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Jackson Stewart
Jackson Stewart

New Lighting 1.17 (Internal Shaders Without Op... 2021

If you download Unreal Engine from the Epic Games Store, the engine will come with a DDC Pak (.ddp). The DDC Pak contains derived data for all engine content, so you can start working without compiling shaders and so on. Similarly, some samples are shipped with a DDC Pak for the same reason.

New Lighting 1.17 (Internal Shaders without Op...

That's why thousands of fans have put in the effort to make shaders. Shaders change how lighting works in "Minecraft," which sounds simple, but can completely transform what the game looks like. Once you start playing with shaders, you might wonder how you ever went without them.

If you find that certain shaders don't play well with your computer, or you simply don't like how they look, here's how to enable or disable shaders while you're playing, without deleting the files outright.

Before you keep scrolling though, here are the general prerequisites for installing Minecraft shaders that you'll need to know: First off, these currently only work with the Java Edition of Minecraft. Now that all players own both versions of the game through the launcher, that shouldn't be an issue though. If you're attached to Bedrock Edition, you'll want to look into Minecraft RTX to get similar lovely lighting effects.

As another quick aside, most of these shader packs offer tons of customization options (the speed that water animates, the amount of ambient fog, or the exact RGB values of lighting for each time of day). If you know what you're about, you can do a lot with any of these shaders, so I'll be focusing on how they look and feel to those who just want to install and play right away.

Sildur does recommend using Iris (explained below), but as of 2022 the Vibrant shaders also look great through Optifine with no immediate settings changes needed. For those without quite as much a powerhouse PC, the Sildur's Enhanced Default shaders will soup up your game with shadows and god rays without straining your machine.

Chocapic's shaders attempt to maintain high quality even at low settings and comes with different files for Low, Medium, High, Extreme, and Ultra. I'm using the Medium pack in my screenshots, and you can spot that it does still look great but doesn't have as intense lighting effects on torches as some of the above options, for instance.

While not yet compatible with shaders, the incredible Distant Horizons mod gives you another reason to make your jaw drop while looking out at the Minecraft world that your choice of Minecraft seed has generated for you. Distant Horizons adds LODs (Levels Of Detail) to Minecraft, allowing the game to render even incredibly far off bits of terrain at a lower level of detail. This means you can extend your view distance to unimaginably great amounts without sacrificing performance.

This action will remove all the game's shaders, mods, and corrupt files, but you will have to start again as new. This might hurt a little if you have an outstanding gaming record, but it is the last viable option to continue playing without errors.

Wavefront OBJ has two concepts when it comes to polygon faces: named objects and named groups. In Mineways there can be one or more objects in a scene, each object can have zero, one, or more groups inside of it. Normally there is just one object exported; the "Make groups objects" creates a separate object which then contains a corresponding group.Mineways has (rough) "block families." For example, the Stone family has stone, granite, polished granite, diorite, and so on. Each block in this family has a separate "type." Materials can be output by one per family or one per type.Any number of polygons can be in an object or group. There is also a set of materials (defined in the .mtl file). One and only one material is applied to each polygon.Export separate types: on by default, this option says each type of block - stone, logs, fences, and so on - are put in a separate group. Turning this option off means no groups are created, which can be useful for simplifying import into rendering packages but can make editing more difficult. This option does not affect how many materials are generated.Export individual blocks: This option is mutually exclusive with the previous option, "Export separate types." Normally Mineways exports only those faces that are visible. By checking this box, all faces of every block are output, allowing you to animate such operations as mining or explosions. This considerably increases file size and render time, so use it only if you need it. You may also want to check the Make groups objects option, e.g., for Blender export, as each group will then be a separate object you can manipulate. For Blender you'll also want to make sure "Material per family" is checked. Note that the individual blocks option will change the appearance of some blocks, such as water and glass blocks, as all faces now have sides, which are visible. Normally Minecraft removes these interior sides (e.g., where two glass blocks share a face), but this option makes them visible. This option works for OBJ and USD export.Material per family: on by default. Only affects export when exporting the three large mosaic textures. When on, the default, blocks in a family (or type; see next option) have their own material. If turned off, a single material is used for all objects. When exporting individual blocks, this checkbox affects whether each block is in its own group (making it easier to edit: move, delete, etc.) or whether individual blocks are grouped by material. To reiterate, this option does not affect anything when exporting individual textures, as each individual texture needs its own material and so materials cannot be grouped.Split by block type: Blocks have a family and a type. When checked (the default), the individual types are used for grouping polygons and, for mosaics, generating materials. You can see many of the families on this page, e.g., Stone, Granite, Polished Granite..., through Polished Andesite are a family. New groups are generated when there's a physical difference in the material itself, not just geometric changes. For example, campfires, sea pickles, and respawn anchors will be given separate emission levels when this box is checked; else the maximum light level is assumed. Usually you'll want this box checked, unless you're finding you would rather have fewer groups (and fewer materials, for mosaics).Confused yet? There are non-obvious interactions among the various settings. A table follows, describing the results when using this 2x3 set of blocks - two grass blocks, two stone, two diorite - as the exported volume, and when using the large mosaic texture option. Recall that diorite is part of the stone family. This table fully applies when using the "three mosaic image" material output option. For individual texture output, the "Material per family" option is grayed out, since it has no effect. Results are described as "For mosaics" when materials are output using "three large, mosaic images" mode and "For individuals" when using "individual textures" mode. Note that for individual texture output, it is always the case that different textures will need different materials.Export separate typesExport individual blocksMaterial per familySplit by block typeEffect on objectsMaterial library produced for mosaics (only!)SELECTEDuncheckedSELECTEDuncheckedPolygons are grouped by block family. For individual textures, one group is made for Grass, one for Stone that includes both the stone and granite blocks. Similarly, for mosaics, result is one Grass_Block group using the Grass_Block material applied to 8 block faces (the visible faces of the two grass blocks) and one Stone group using the Stone material applied to 14 faces (the visible faces of the four stone-related blocks, Stone and Diorite).Each block family has a separate material. Result is two materials for mosaics, Grass_Block and Stone.SELECTEDuncheckedSELECTEDSELECTEDDefault for rendering: Polygons are grouped by block type. For individual textures, there are three groups: Grass_Block, Stone, and Diorite. For mosaics, result is one Grass_Block group using the Grass_Block material applied to the 8 visible block faces, one Stone group using the Stone material applied to the 6 visible faces, and one Diorite group using the Diorite material applied to its 8 visible block faces.Each block type has a separate material for mosaics. Result is three materials: Grass_Block, Stone, and Diorite.SELECTEDuncheckeduncheckeduncheckedPolygons are grouped by block family. For individuals, since "Material per family" does not affect export in this mode, the result is the same as two rows above: one group is made for Grass, one for Stone that includes both the stone and granite blocks. For mosaics, result is one Grass_Block group with 8 visible block faces and one Stone group with 14 visible faces.Single material for mosaics. A default MC_material is created and applied to all polygons.SELECTEDuncheckeduncheckedSELECTEDPolygons are grouped by block type. For individuals, since "Material per family" does not affect export in this mode, the result is the same as two lines above: three groups, Grass_Block, Stone, and Diorite. For mosaics, the result is one Grass_Block group with 8 visible block faces, one Stone group with 6 visible faces, and one Diorite group with 8 visible block faces.Single material for mosaics. A default MC_material is created and applied to all polygons.uncheckedunchecked(grayed out)(grayed out)Default for 3D printing: No groups are created at all. Result is 22 visible block faces.Single material for mosaics. A default MC_material is created and applied to all polygons.uncheckedSELECTEDSELECTEDuncheckedEach individual block is in its own group. Result is 6 block faces in each of six groups (the six blocks): block_00001, block_00002, etc. For mosaics, the related material family, Grass_Block or Stone, is assigned to each block in turn.For mosaics, each block family has a separate material. Result is two materials, Grass_Block and Stone.uncheckedSELECTEDSELECTEDSELECTEDEach individual block is in its own group. Result is 6 block faces in each of six (block) groups: block_00001, block_00002, etc. For mosaics, the related material type, Grass_Block, Stone, or Diorite, is assigned to each block in turn.For mosaics, each block type has a separate material. Result is three materials, Grass_Block, Stone, and Diorite.uncheckedSELECTEDuncheckeduncheckedIndividual blocks are output, but grouped by block family. Result is one Grass_Block group and one Stone group. For mosaics, the Grass_Block material is applied to two blocks' 12 block faces and the Stone material is applied to four blocks' 24 faces.For mosaics, each block family has a separate material. Result is two materials, Grass_Block and Stone.uncheckedSELECTEDuncheckedSELECTEDIndividual blocks are output, but grouped by block type. The result is three groups: Grass_Block, Stone, and Diorite. Mosaics have the Grass_Block material applied to two blocks' 12 block faces, the Stone material applied to two blocks' 12 faces, and the Diorite material applied to two blocks' 12 block faces.For mosaics, each block type has a separate material. Result is three materials, Grass_Block, Stone, and Diorite.When exporting individual textures these settings have slightly different meanings, because separate materials are created depending on the texture needed, not the Minecraft block family or type. "Export individual blocks" then means that "Split by block type" has no effect, since materials are set as needed. Similarly, if neither "Export separate types" nor "Export individual blocks" is on, materials are output as needed, since there can be no "single material for all" with "individual textures." Long and short: try various options out and see what they do.Make groups objects: By default, the OBJ file produced has just one object, consisting of everything exported. If you want to make each group into its own separate object, which can be useful if you are trying to export individual blocks and animate them in the scene, check this box. This is useful in Blender, for example.Custom materialChecking this box causes a more elaborate illumination model to be output for OBJ (see the USD documentation for its effect with that format). By default it is checked, so that a more elaborate material model is used. Specifically, the parameters Ns, Ka, map_Ka, illum, and Tf are set. Also, a special mode is exported for use by G3D: "interpolateMode NEAREST_MAGNIFICATION_TRILINEAR_MIPMAP_MINIFICATION". This hints to G3D to make the textures look blocky, giving the classic Minecraft look. This line should not hurt OBJ readers, which should simply ignore it (or possibly flag a warning).If you are using a physically based terrain set, the custom material will also include additional channels of information, such as textures for normal maps, shininess power, metallic, and emission textures. These attempt to follow this proposed specification, also documented here. An example:map_Kn block_world_tex/redstone_torch_n.png - the RGB normals map (not a heightmap, so "bump" or "norm" is not used)norm block_world_tex/redstone_torch_n.png - an alternate way to attach the normals texturemap_Pm block_world_tex/redstone_torch_m.png - the grayscale metallic texturemap_Ke block_world_tex/redstone_torch_e.png - color texture for the illuminant parts of the modelmap_ns block_world_tex/redstone_torch_s.png - the grayscale specular power texture, 0-255map_Ns block_world_tex/redstone_torch_s.png - an alternate way to attach the specular power textureIf you want to use the custom material description for OBJ export but do not want these additional textures to be output, simply delete or rename the images in the set that you want to remove. For example, with the terrainExt_JGRTX64*.png set of terrain files, removing terrainExt_JGRTX64_e.png means no grayscale intensity emissive textures will be output. You may also find that the corresponding color texture is a better choice for the emissive texture in particular, if supported - this is true for the G3D viewer. Currently Mineways has no switch to use these colored textures instead. However, you can edit the MTL file produced and simply search for "_e.png" and replace with ".png" to point to the colored textures instead.Special note: in terrain files, the one ending in "_r.png" is a roughness texture. When exported for OBJ, this texture is inverted and the exported files are named "_s.png", for "specular". This is all a bit confusing, I know, but my advice is to export using terrainExt_JGRTX64.png, for example, and see what gets created for you, with "Custom material" set or not. If you want the "r" version, you can either manually invert the _s.png images (ugh), or just do a separate USDA export, which will produce the _r.png versions.Pixar USD File Export OptionsPixar's USD format is getting uptake in many popular digital content creation (DCC) applications, including Cinema 4D, Houdini, Unreal Editor, and Blender. It is more full-featured than the ancient Wavefront OBJ format, including direct support for physically based materials, emitters, and more. If your package of choice supports it, consider using it!There are a few changes to how the export dialog works. Some export options are not supported, as the focus has been the highest-quality and more flexible export option: Export individual textures. This form lets you replace and edit individual texture files. USD export works particularly nicely with the JG-RTX terrain files.What follows are how various options apply to USD export. Also, Mineways' "View Light" can be toggled on to give nighttime lighting. Turning "View Elevation shading" on will give a light fog to the USD scene exported.Export individual blocks: With USD export, two additional USD files are produced, "*_BlockLibrary.usda" and "*_MaterialLibrary.usda". USD structures its data in different forms. These additional files contain the individual blocks and materials, in case these are of use as-is.Export MDL: Applies only to USD export. MDL material descriptions are exported. These generally give higher-quality looks to glass objects, for example. Omniverse is the main user of MDL at this point, with other applications coming up to speed. Turning this off will export only UsdPreviewSurface material descriptions. Note that UsdPreviewSurface descriptions are always exported.Custom material: This option is ignored if Export MDL is off. For USDA export, the Custom material setting mainly has the effects of making the texture's texels appear blocky, in Minecraft fashion, and present stripped down materials in Omniverse Create. I uncheck this box for higher-resolution resource packs (basically 64x64 or larger tiles) so that the textures interpolate more smoothly. This option is also discussed in this video.Light scale: Used only by USD. This has a value of 30 by default. You can change the intensity of the lights exported to USD - the sun and dome light - by changing this value. The sun is normally at 30, the surrounding dome light is 6. Nighttime lighting of 2 and 2 respectively, is used if you toggle on the View Lighting option before export. If you set the light scale to 0, the two lights will not be exported to the USD file.Surface emit scale: Used only by USD. This has a value of 1000 by default. It's more or less a nit value for emitting surfaces. Omniverse Create looks good with the default, though realistically the emitters are then quite bright (but look good for interior scenes or when the sun is turned off). Adjusting the camera exposure is another way to deal with this situation.Global Model OptionsA few options change how blocks' coordinates and textures are output. If you want to change the overall scale of the model, use the "Make each block" option in the upper right of the dialog.Simplify meshThis option merges neighboring squares to create larger rectangles. This can significantly reduce the model's size. However, it has the drawback of turning off randomized texture rotation. Normally grass and other blocks are rotated randomly by Mineways (and Minecraft) to break up the patterned look of a single texture being repeated over a large area. Simplify mesh is only available when exporting individual textures (but not individual blocks) for OBJ and USD export, and only for rendering. It is not available for 3D printing, as doing so can cause T-junctions, which can in turn cause 3D printers to fail. It is also currently not available for untextured model export, since there are better simplification systems available (some of which do work better for 3D prints), such as Meshmixer, MeshLab, and inside Blender.Here is a side by side comparison of a mesh's look normally and simplified, without and with wireframe for the grass. This (admittedly near-optimal for simplification) export from the built-in "[Block Test World]" went from 142,428 to 15,726 triangles when simplified. Note the pattern repetition on the grass in the upper right.Create composite overlay facesFor 3D printing there cannot be "floating" cutout textures such as vines, ladders, rails, torches, and so on. These block types are overlaid atop the underlying block and a new "composite" texture is saved and used. This process must be done for 3D printing. For rendering with mosaics it is an option. The advantage of leaving this option off is that the result more closely matches Minecraft itself, and that each object has its own material. It also means that all render files exported could use single set of PNG textures, since no composite textures are crea

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